Resolved Issues

Solved issues within the current release.

Issue Description
Delete & recreate properties You can now delete a property and re-create it without getting an error while loading already existing instances.
Identifier validation improvement in API namespaces Local identifier (i.e. operation IDs) in API namespaces support dashes  to enhance the handling of imported API specification files.
CLI token timeout issue CLI is now using an offline token for all design time related commands. The CLI will only ask for credentials when setting up the CLI.
Pods and jobs are crashing after installation The communication to the Kubernetes API within running Java based pods cannot be established, because of a misplaced behaviour in recognizing the version of the underlying HTTP protocol.
Adding parameters After adding a referenced parameter with a duplicate name to an operation, the instance page is now refreshing automatically after showing the error notification.
Warnings shown in "Commit & Push" action Only warnings are shown in the problems table.
"Contains" filter The contains-Operator ('=co=') is now working with entity list and supports comparison.
Local debbuging Now possible when using self signed certificates.
"oneOf" as an array item schema within a request body The occuring compilation error of the Solution Framework when calling the ['_validate']() method is solved.
Event Agent usage with date Event Agent is now reacting to event a with Date property in EventPayload.
BAW Toolkit download Is now offered only for relevant APIs
Enums of inline parameters The enumeration elements of an inline parameter are now shown in the Details view.
Multiple delete Multiple deletion of a schema's Enumerations and multiple responses from an operation works as expected.
Agent input link URL is now composed correct and navigation works as expected.
Adding parent during creation of an entity If a parent entity is added while the creation of an entity that information is no longer lost after the creation. The parent can be added manually by using the details view.
Solution export Exporting a solution to the local marketplace now cleans all personal data (timestamp, creator and creatorId) of the solution including documentation and metadata.
API dependency creation Creating an API dependency in an integration namespace with a name containing a dash led to a failure of the code generator. This is not possible anymore due to input constraints.