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Product Overview
IBM Financial Services Workbench helps banks to transform digital business opportunities into cloud-native solutions. To this end, the offering has a strong emphasis on enabling people in their different roles to collaboratively design, implement and test microservices.
IBM Financial Services Workbench allows to gradually move from monolithic applications towards an API economy leveraging microservices and DevOps practices. The result is a Digital Agility Layer that acts as a backbone for existing and upcoming multi-channel-solutions. It can serve as a foundation to modernize the core systems, but also opens an area of new value-added services and products and thus establishes the "Connected Bank".
Deployed solutions are consumable for the different channels through REST-based APIs. To jump-start their initiative, banks also have the option to use shared domain models which provide business functionality for their core domains. The Digital Agility Layer integrates with existing technologies to enable a full stack solution from core to cloud that is built for the future.
IBM Financial Services Workbench consists of the following components
Key Benefits
The main objective of the product is to enable the user to build a business-oriented solution, based on a well-defined design approach that defines an ontology behavior in order to plan and design complex models of a business domain.
Within Solution Designer, the structure of the application and business logic is modelled and designed by business experts in the Solution Designer, defining key entities and services according to the use case of each solution.
The domain model is then automatically translated into software code. Delevopers simply connect to the software project and take over the technical implementation by exploiting the generated code and using them as guidelines regarding the business perspective of the solution. Based on a shared domain model, miscommunications and misunderstandings between business experts and technical experts are eliminated.