Service Development
Get started with implementing a project. Take a tour to meet the different approaches for low-code and pro-code projects.
IBM Financial Services Workbench offers a rich no-code design tool for modelling business domains based on Domain Driven Design. This tool also turns the designed model into generated code to provide a low-code development project where you can find classes, objects and methods prepared for each modelled item. This enables you to quick-start the development process because you can focus on the business logic of the service and don't have to care for the basics.
But IBM Financial Services Workbench offers also support for so called pro-code projects that haven't been modelled with Solution Designer. This project type is not based on Domain Driven Design, it gives full flexibility regarding design and implementation while providing full support for basic service communication, security and easy deployment.
No matter which project type you want to implement, IBM Financial Services Workbench will provide support for both. A project always serves as a "container" for a microservice and combines it into one unit to simplify the development process.
Low-Code Projects
IBM Financial Services Workbench provides a framework for each available implementation language to support the development of Low-Code Projects. These Solution Frameworks (SDK) will provide classes, objects and methods for each item that has been modelled with Solution Designer.
Pro-Code Projects
There will be a lot of cases where there is no need for modelling a microservice based on Domain Driven Design. This is when Pro-Code Projects come into place. For this project type there is no design model available meaning there will be no framework for implementation.