API Dependencies


The main purpose of API dependencies is to make integrating a REST API much easier. It offers three main capabilities: Uploading an API specification, creating a DEV binding and the Local Lookup function.

Creating an API dependency is not required to call a REST API. It is just a convenience functionality that you can use to make implementation easier. You can at any time use the native capabilities to make HTTP calls. Even if you create an API dependency you don't have to use all of the capabilities. You might only upload an API specification to get all the operations created or only use a DEV binding to have certain parameters at hand and replace them later for different stages with API bindings.

If you want to integrate an API that is provided by another solution inside your project and also built with FSW you may only use the Local Lookup function.

Upload API Specification

By uploading an API specification either as OpenAPI 3 file (.yaml) or as Swagger file (.json), Solution Designer will create methods for each operation available in the API specification that can be used while implementing integration services. The uploaded API specification will be placed inside the Git repository of the solution and is available to the developer while implementation.

Example implementation:

You have a solution with an integration namespace called "Customer Need Registration". The integration namespace's acronym is "cnr". Inside this namespace you have created an integration service called "AcceptOffer" and this service should call another API. You also created an API dependency with the name "cnrdependency" inside this integration namespace and uploaded a valid OpenAPI3 or Swagger file.

This API provides the operation "acceptOffer" (amongst others) that will be called in this example.

Now to implement this service you can do the following inside the implementation file of this service (e.g., src-impl/integration/cnr/services/AcceptOffer.ts):

import { services } from 'solution-framework';

export default class extends services.cnr_AcceptOffer {

  public async execute(): Promise<void> {
    const log = this.util.log;

    // Get the values for the request parameters from the input
    const {customerNeed_id, customer_ID, finPropId} = this.input;

    // Use the created API operations
    const response = await this.apis.cnrdependency.acceptOffer({customerNeed_id: customerNeed_id},{customerID_query: customer_ID,finPropId: finPropId});


DEV Binding

DEV bindings are optional specifications created per API dependency. This means that the DEV binding only lives as a part of the API dependency and shares its life-cycle. It is assigned a unique name internally and will not receive an identifier within Solution Designer.

Note: DEV bindings are intended to be used only in DEV environments.

You can use DEV bindings to append important information about the API you want to integrate and store it inside the Integration Namespace. This may be URLs, certificates, token, credentials or anything else that you want to have at hand when implementing your requests to another REST API. These bindings only consist of key/value pairs in JSON notation.

Example of a binding:

    "url": "https://example.com"

Entering this key/value pair into the DEV binding section of an API dependency will provide the value of url in the solution framework (SDK) when implementing. They will be accessible by typing this.apiBindings.<integration namespace acronym>. inside an implementation file of an integration namespace.

Example implementation:

You have a solution with an integration namespace called "Customer Need Registration". The integration namespace's acronym is "cnr". Inside this namespace you have created an integration service called "AcceptOffer" and this service should call another API. You also created an API dependency with the name "cnrdependency" inside this integration namespace and added the information to the DEV binding as stated in the example above.

Now to implement this service you can do the following inside the implementation file of this service (e.g., src-impl/integration/cnr/services/AcceptOffer.ts):

import { services } from 'solution-framework';

export default class extends services.cnr_AcceptOffer {

  public async execute(): Promise<void> {
    const log = this.util.log;

    // Retrieve the API binding information (async call)
    const binding = await this.apiBindings.getcnrdependency();

    // Built-in parameters (url, ca_cert, k5_propagate_security_token) can be retrieved like this
    const url = binding.url;

    // the value of url will be 'https.//example.com'


This will work for the following pre-defined parameters:

  • url - Used to pass the URL of the API to the SDK and can be overwritten with stage-dependent values by adding API bindings for the different stages.

  • k5-propagate-jwt-token - If set to true, the JSON Web Token (JWT) used in your solution will be forwarded to call the API dependency.

  • ca-cert - By using this option no additional binding information is necessary. The URL of the dependency will be changed dynamically depending on the deployment namespace. Also the JSON Web Token (JWT) will be forwarded and used to call the API dependency. This option should only be used for API dependencies that have been designed and implemented with IBM Financial Services Workbench and are deployed within the same projects/namespaces.

Attention: The line length of the certificates must comply with the standard for PEM messages, with each line containing exactly 64 printable characters except the last line and 64 or fewer printable characters in the last line.

If you want to use your own custom parameters, you just have to add them to your DEV binding in the same manner.

    "my-custom-key": "A32k-9IFKl123",
    "another-key": 123456

The only difference is the way to call them:


    // Retrieve the API binding information (async call)
    const binding = await this.apiBindings.getCnrdependency();

    // Now call the binding parameter 'my-custom-key' like this
    const mycustomkey = binding['my-custom-key'];

Attention: Please be aware that any information stored in a DEV binding will be provided in the solution framework for implementation and will be stored in the Git repository.

When you want to move your solution from development stage to a production stage you can then simply exchange the information of the DEV binding with a dedicated API binding for this stage. Externalizing those binding information must be done with the Configuration Management inside Solution Hub. API bindings specified there will always overwrite the ones specified in Solution Designer and can differ across stages and/or Solution Envoys.

Local Lookup

Can be used for API dependencies that also have been developed with IBM Financial Services Workbench and allows calling this dependencies without the need to provide additional binding information. This makes it easy and convenient to call operations provided by external APIs since the URL of the dependency will be changed dynamically and the JWT will be automatically forwarded.

Create an API Dependency

NameThis is the name of the API dependency. It is unique within a namespace. Please note that only the characters A-z (without special characters), digits and the special character "_" are permitted for naming API dependencies! Furthermore, names may not begin with a digit and the first character must be lowercase. The local identifier can not be changed after creation. This field is mandatory.
API specificationThis is the specification of the API that is being integrated. The expected formats are JSON and YAML. The uploaded specification is later shown on the instance page of the API dependency. Please notice that SWAGGER specifications will always be converted to a OpenAPI 3 specification while uploading the file. In all cases the file will have the suffix .yaml. This field is optional.
DEV bindingAn API binding always consists of a JSON string that may also include an URL (as specified in OpenAPI 3). This field is optional.
Local lookupBy using this option no additional binding information is necessary. The URL of the dependency will be changed dynamically depending on the deployment namespace. Also the JSON Web Token (JWT) will be forwarded and used to call the API dependency. This field is optional.

Edit an API Dependency

You can edit the master data of an API dependency by using the Information capability, navigating to the section Master Data and using the Edit Master Data capability or by using the inline and header Edit capability. The type and the local identifier cannot be changed. When editing the master data of an API dependency, you can overwrite the values for label, short label and notes.

Delete an API Dependency

You can delete the API dependency by using the inline Delete capability. Alternatively, you can use the Information capability to access the Details view and there you can use the Delete capability.

You will need to confirm the action before the selected response is permanently deleted.