Install Third Party Components


This chapter contains some hints and guidelines on installing required third-party components in an OpenShift 4.6 cluster. It does not provide a production-grade ready setup for IBM Financial Services Workbench. It aims to outline an example setup of the required third party components in an easy way and tries to get the start-up quicker. With regard to quickly evolving technologies and products, this can be outdated even one day after publishing. All values given as examples in this guide are not considered safe.

Recommendations for a PoC

For a typical PoC situation we recommend the following setup:

ComponentTested VersionNote
Helm 22.16.6Required by IBM Financial Services Workbench 2.9
Strimzi - Apache Kafka on Kubernetes0.23.0*Provided by 'Strimzi' Operator v0.23.0
Keycloak9.0.2*Provided by 'Red Hat Keycloak' Operator v9.0.2
Gitlab12.7.5Provided by 'Gitlab' Helm Chart v3.0.3
MongoDB3.6Provided by 'Red Hat MongoDB' template
Note: The available versions for components installed by the operators may differ from the tested versions because the operator always installs the latest version of the component.
Attention: If possible, use properly signed certificates for the OpenShift cluster. Self-signed certificates increase the effort and complexity of the installation. A wildcard certificate must be available as the default router certificate. Cluster Admin privileges are required for a full installation. A default storage class that is used to provide volumes for persistent volume claims must exist.

Create OpenShift Projects

It is recommended and assumed in the following that all third-party components except GitLab will be installed in a separate OpenShift project called foundation.

If you decide to also install GitLab, this should be in another project called foundation-gitlab. This is due to special security context constraint requirements that GitLab needs to properly work. Overall it is preferable to use an existing git repository service.

As a cluster administrator, run the following commands to create the project foundation:

oc new-project foundation

Repeat to create project foundation-gitlab for installation of GitLab:

oc new-project foundation-gitlab

Necessary Components

The following list of components needs to be installed and configured properly to ensure the correct operation of IBM Financial Services Workbench:

Optional Components

The following components can be installed/configured optionally:


After following the outlined steps in this guideline you have installed and configured the third party components that are necessary for continuing the installation of IBM Financial Services Workbench.

Attention: Please note for a production-ready setup, these components require additional configuration regarding sizing, high availability and security. Please refer to the official component documentation for details.